Hopie Company creates beautiful, soft and stylish scarves to purchase as a thoughtful gift for a loved one facing a difficult time. 

The hopie scarf can be worn or held as a constant and lasting reminder of the love and support you have for them throughout their difficult time. In fact, the name hopie means “I” am surrounded by hope”.


Our objective was to come up with a defined path to obtain new customers, increase sales and increase overall brand awareness. 

The effectiveness will be measured by short-term revenue generated month over month throughout the campaign. 


By implementing a digital marketing ad campaign we could introduce, bring along and then sell hopie scarves to new fresh audiences. 

Create and schedule Facebook and Instagram paid ads to a new core audience based on location, age, gender and interests. Multiple ad concepts were tested to determine best video, headline and copy.

Gather leads by opting in for a FREE guide to supporting and explaining types of empathy that you can provide to show your encouragement and love.

Remarket to those who had watched our video and/or visited the website but had not booked an appointment


In the first month of the test, sales were 12% higher vs. last month. In the second month of the test, sales were 15% higher vs. previous.